2014 BIM Valladolid Conference: From BIM to BIG DATA.


This is the second year that BIM professionals in Valladolid organize a conference with more content, and with international reach.

This event will be held from the 19th to 21st of November 2014 in the Valladolid Conference Center – Feria de Muestras (Ramón Pradera Ave 2, 47009). It is a well equiped location, with the latest technology for professional activities.


Impact of 2013 BIM Conference

This year´s conference is expected to surpass last year´s, where 12 highly qualified speakers presented to an audience of 300 subscribed attendees. One can still see the impact of BIM Valladolid 2013 in Bimetica´s youtube channel (http://www.youtube.com/user/Bimetica/videos).



Early this year, more than 300 professionals from all over the construction industry are expected to participate, including: BIM Managers, consultants, architects, engineers, product manufacturers and distributors, public administration representatives, and more.

The BIM conference is a place where participants can learn new solutions, get to know new techniques, and relate with other construction industry colleagues and service providers to foster networking.

Also, in these three days, companies in the industry can also exhibit their new tools and solutions alongside the conferences, workshops, and presentations.

The event is covers the use of BIM fomr the beginning phases of a project to the post construction and maintenance phases, and has also opened a “BIM Contest” and a “Remote location BIM workshop”.

BIM Contest

The BIM Competition will be held days before the conference, and various teams can compete in drafting a project using all BIM tools. These projects will be presented by the teams themselves at the start of the conference and contest sponsors will issue the awards. Various teams from all around Spain have already confirmed participation.

Remote location BIM workshop

During workshop afternoons a workshop about working on a project in remote locations in a BIM environment.

Trough working on BIM design and management software run on a remote location, atrendees can experience how new technologies are modifying the traditional way of working in the construction industry. Each participant will be handed a tablet to run Autodesk Revit from dedicated AZKEN GRIDCASE servers, stored at a distance of more than 500 km.

Cada asistente dispondrá de una tableta para iniciar las sesiones de Autodesk Revit en los servidores dedicados AZKEN GRIDCASE alojados a más de 500 km de distancia.

This is an advance overview of the conference schedule: (subject to change).

Wendsday 19th

  • Opening.
  • Master class.
  • Platinum commercial presentation. BIM in the development phase.
  • BIM Contest intro.
  • Project presentation.
  • Contest winners.
  • BIM Contest awards.
  • Solibri conference.
  • Lunch
  • BIM Contest roundtable. BIM in the construction phase.
  • BIM workshop.
  • Commercial presentations.

Thursday 20th

  • BIM UK Task force conference. BIM for Public Administration.
  • Public Administration conference.
  • Gold Commercial presentation.
  • The Cuban National BIM Plan presentation.
  • Gold Commercial presentation.
  • Public Administration conference.
  • Lunch
  • BIM Contest roundtable.
  • Commercial presentations. BIM in Construction.

Friday 21st

  • Aconex presentation. BIM in asset management.
  • Archibus conference
  • Gold Commercial presentation.
  • RICS conference.
  • Conference.
  • Closing.

More info at http://www.bimvalladolid.com/ r sending an e-mail at info@bimvalladolid.com



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