ECOBAM son equipos Reductores de Velocidad de tráfico, Carril Bici y Separadores Viales, ambos en hierro fundido (nodular) con 10 años de garantía, son irrompibles, indeformables y antirrobo, pudiendo ofrecer 10 años de Garantía.

ECOBAM son equipos Reductores de Velocidad de tráfico, Carril Bici y Separadores Viales, ambos en hierro fundido (nodular) con 10 años de garantía, son irrompibles, indeformables y antirrobo, pudiendo ofrecer 10 años de Garantía.
Dinnteco Spain commercializes exclusively the DDCE (Dinnteco Deionizer of Electrostatic Charge ).
PLACO AND ISOVER launch the first Multi-manufacturer BIM objects catalogue, which will allow access to the most complete range of solutions for partition walls, floors, ceilings and façades, and provide the maximum level of detail of technical performance.
Q-railing develops innovative, high-quality designer railing systems and glass balustrades. Our products function as supports and handrails along steps and stairways, and as safety barriers around balconies and between floor levels.
EBS15-The European BIM Summit 2015 is a one and a half-day Summit taking place on February 12th & 13th in Barcelona at the BCN World Trade Center.
K-Line windows is a company that understands the importance of sustainability in a global context and the construction industry in particular.
Knauf Insulation, the 30-year-old worldwide experienced German multinational which leads the insulation solutions market for construction, is a major driver of sustainable architecture, promoting energy efficiency of buildings and reducing the environmental impact.