Dinnteco Spain commercializes exclusively the DDCE (Dinnteco Deionizer of Electrostatic Charge ). It works with the technology of the PDCE (Lightning Deionizer of Electrostatic Charge). It avoids the formation of the lightning and minimizes significantly (60% – 90%), the indirect effects of the lightning such as the electromagnetic pulse.
The DDCE avoids the formation of the lightning and minimizes significantly the indirect effects. One of the most important effects are the surges that induced electromagnetic pulses and also the currents arising by land that causes the breakdown or wreck of most of the machines and electrical facilities.
The operating principle of DDCE lightning rod is based on deionization of electrostatic charges present in any environment, to control the electric field below the thresholds of the dielectric breakage. In other words, it avoids the formation of the lightning.
Dinnteco is based in an innovated and technological product, which is betting for the BIM methodology, which represents also an evolution in the processes of the construction world.
For us it is absolutely necessary to make easy the implementation of our product to the users; architectures, engineers, in general technical people, with the BIM files it is an easy way to integrate us in the sector.
We understand that the profiles of the BIM users in Spain and worldwide, are open people who likes to use new technologies, which is looking for the excellence and the constant improvement of their job.
At the same time the companies that are betting for the DDCE are searching for the security and prevention and at the same time are conscious of the importance to reduce significantly the costs of maintenance of the installations and structures.
Dinnteco has a clearly call to be International Company, and it is in the mature markets where the BIM files are implemented and their use is more usual.
Dinnteco considers that it is such a revolutionary and technological product as it is the DDCE, who must go together with the advanced technological tools, who represent an improvement like the BIM files. We bet for the technological advance as an improvement process and change for the advance of the society.
The DDCE is the best protection against the lightning which exist today, at least it is confirmed by the companies who are using it today, like SACYR in the engineering structure that are using today in the Panama Canal, the most important one taken in 2013.
At an International level it is an absolutely necessary tool to be able to introduce ourselves in the English speaking markets. We are convinced that it is part of the future, therefore it is a secure and profitable bet or investment for short and medium term.
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