K-Line windows is a company that understands the importance of sustainability in a global context and the construction industry in particular.
As a company dedicated to solving the most complicated problems in terms of heat loss (permeable facade), it takes special interest in the eficiency of its constrction solutions, always aiming for the maximum in heat loss.

By working with BIM files (Building Information Modeling), the company can take a step forward in its implication in all phases of a project, allowing for qualified technicians to use their products and specifying them in their projects so they can interact with the overall project and generate better analysis results.

By working with BIM files, and not only frawings, all the information in K-Line products is coordinated in a coherent manner in each of the project phases. This allows for improved decision-making in each aspect of the project like: cost, timing, and product properties. This enhances the design, and optimises its logistics during construction. By working with BIM files the end product is completely coordinated with its products.

This system adds to the already formed K-Line technical, and construction documents. It unites all availabale information in a BIM file, that can be used from the starting phases of a projects and also in the analysis phase.
K-Line BIM files contain all the necessary informarion thar a technician needs to specify them in a project. The informacion is avowed, complete, and updated regularly.
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