This 7th of October, the uBIM initiative will present the Spanish BIM Style Guide in the address of the Eduardo Torroja Institute of Construction Sciences (C/Serrano Galvache 4, Madrid, Spain).
The Spanish BIM Style Guide, developed by a group of BIM users, is comprised of short essays that are based on the 2012 Common BIM Requirements from BuildingSMART Finland – COBIM.
The objectives of the uBIM initiative by publishing this Style Guide are three:
- Make learning BIM modeling techniques more accessible.
- Promote best practices in the development of BIM projects.
- Increase international competitiveness in the Spanish construction industry.
- 10:00 – 10:15: Opening, Ministry of Development.
- 10:15 – 10:30: Working for BIM.
Mr. Sergio Muñoz, BuildingSMART Spanish Chapter. - 10:30 – 11:15: Style guide presentation
uBIM coordinators:. Mr. Manuel Bauzas, Mr. David Martinez, Mr. Martí Broquetas, and Mr. Augusto Mora. - Morning break
- 11:45 – 12:45: Success stories: Construction, Infrastructure, International.
Mr. Antonio Capilla, General Director of Project Development, TYPSA, United Arab Emirates.
Mr. Vicente Herguido, Director of Technological Products, Corporate asset maintenance and sustainability, BBVA.
Mr. Alberto Armisén.
Moderator: Mr. Felipe Choclán, UPM. - 12:45 – 13:30: Round table:
Mr. Jordi Seguró Capa, President of the Spanish Project Management Association (AEDIP).
Mr. Angel Lara Garoz, President of the National Association of Manufacturers of Capital Goods (SERCOBE).
Mr. Luis Rudolfo, General Director of the Spanish Confederation of Construction Industry Product Manufacturers (CEPCO).
Luís Vega Catalán, General Director of Architecture and Housing in the Ministry of Development.
Mr. Fernando Machicado, Responsible for SC13 AEN/TC40, AENOR.
Mr. Roberto Rojas, Counselor for the International Facility Management Association (IFMA).
Moderator: Polytechnic University of Cataluña: Mr. Eloi Coloma. - 12:45 – 13:30: Closing.
Marta Castellote, Director of Eduardo Torroja Institute.
Time and Place
October 7th, Eduardo Torroja Institute, Serrano Galvache St. 4, MADRID
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