1.- Why is Knauf betting on BIM?
Knauf bets on digital technologies to adapt to changes in the construction industry. Now, we can give the option to download an object in 2D/3D along with materials, technical information, product quantities, soundproofing levels, certifications…we have passed from drawing schematics to developing virtual models.
2.-Will BIM open up new commercial channels for Knauf?
We want to be first in providing files with valid information to construction industry professionals that work in BIM. In other countries like Denmark or UK, Knauf already offers product files, even if its not standardized in Spain yet. We think that, in the short term, this will be a basic tool for developing projects.
3.- He who sows shall reap. Is Knauf Spain is laying out a cutting edge strategy for construction techniques by investing in BIM?
There are few companies that offer BIM products. The trend in Europe however, is that the construction industry bets on BIM: Knauf is adapting its product catalogue to BIM little by little in Spain. And this is only the first step.
4.- The European norm most certainly is geared for a BIM requirement public projects and the need to update the rest of the construction industry. How do you imagine this process, since Knauf is already involved in BIM?
The new Eruopean directive is developed to favor and promote BIM implementation on all public projects from the 28 member countries. The UK, Netherlands, Denmark, Finland, and Norway already require the use of BIM for projects where public funds are involved. This is a reality that will come sooner or later.
5.- We could say that you´re Kauf Spain´s BIM Product Manager. How do you define this role in the company?
In reality, I do not have this role. Currently I am involved in promoting BIM inside the company, and I am sure that this role will arise within a collaborative environment between construction industry professionals and product manufacturers; we should be prepared.
6.- Why has Knauf joined the BuildingSMART Spanish Chapter?
It is one more way to keep in touch with the latest advances in development and construction techniques. It foresees professional´s needs and requirements. Knaf wants to be close to construction industry professionals and specifiers in a BIM environment.
7.- What is your estimated ROI on BIM?
We´re not thinking of this in the short term. In fact, it is quite difficult to analyze, but we must consider that a brand like Knauf should be at the forefront of new technologies, give the best service, and be a reference to specifiers, professionals, and the rest of the insutry. This is the feedback that were looking for.
8.- If Knauf satisfied with this leap forward?
We´re only starting, but yes, we are convinced that this is a step in the right direction. We´re already receiving feedback without that much promotion.